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Real Estate Franchise in

Idaho provides a diverse range of living environments, from rural and agricultural areas to growing urban centers. Cities like Boise, Meridian, and Coeur d’Alene are experiencing population growth, leading to increased demand for housing. The state offers a more affordable cost of living compared to some neighboring states. This affordability extends to the real estate market, making it an attractive destination for first-time homebuyers, families, and those looking for a more budget-friendly area.

In conjunction with United Country Real Estate, you will be able to utilize our industry expert resources.

Looking to Become a Real Estate Agent in ?

For close to 100 years our company has been at the forefront of technological advancement and innovation, pushing the boundaries of lifestyle real estate.  If you are looking for a brand focused on unique marketing for rural, land, resort, vacation, small-town real estate, we are the perfect match for you.

United Country can help you grow – exposing both your properties and brand to a larger audience, enabling you to do what you do best, sell and list real estate